Cesta za vierou je ťažká. Ak ju už jeden krát máš, drž sa jej a ver. Nie je to o tom, že nikdy nezoslabne, je to o tom, či vydrží. Niekde som čítala, že počas cesty za vierou spoznáš to najlepšie a to najhoršie zo seba. Ale musíš vydržať.Nevnímať, čo je naokolo, ale to, že pred tebou sa otvára raj a v ňom Kristus sám. Ten ťa stále sprevádza. Nikdy v žiadnom boji nie si sám.
At the beginning I want to assure you, that I was never 100% follower of worship music, especially in the past. There is no exact reason for it, maybe just that there was no kind of personality within modern worship leaders which would get me....That is what I would like to speak about. Worship leading.
Today there are a lot of people who tries to lead a worship. But at the beginning there is one thing important: define what true worship leading should consist of.
At first: Thirst for demonstration of observance, love, respect, devotion to Lord. Giving glory to Him. And lead others to do it with you.
And it can be sometimes hard. Not everyone is able to lead, especially lead a crowd. I think if you want to lead people to worship, you have to depersonalize yourself. From the moment you start to worship , it is not about you anymore. There is necessity to lower yourself and give everything to that special feeling which leads you to worship. That feeling is called Love.
Your attention have to be fully on the Lord. Just then you are convenient. And this is what I missed on modern worship leaders.
I met with truly, total submission in just few cases. And the best example of what I think is the best worship leading I found in Jeremy Riddle. He does not lead. His personality and full being leads instead. It is not his voice, it is his presence.
For me, when he sings, it is just like you are in Heaven, in front of the Lord. His attention is not on the people, his attention is flying in the skies and your mind starts to fly with him . When I heard song Holy sung by him for the first time, I had absolutely picture of how it will look like in Heaven and Earth when Jesus will come for the second time. When he sings I think angels in Heaven are lead by him. His voice, his presence, his performing totaly demonstrates total zeal for only one thing: Giving Glory to God Almighty.
His performance is not typical performance. He does not perform, He worship. With full being , like he is. With everything what is inside him. And that is what exalt people who listens to him.
I am sorry that modern worship leaders are trying to impress crowds before them. I am sorry that modern worship leading is about own presentation , for me it seems like true intention of worship leading is missing.
And I think I am not the only one who is sorry about that, too.
I think that with Jeremy there is still possibility and hope that worship leading will not fall. That true intention and mission of worship will stay in honest field, that worshipping will what it is meant to be: Talking and praise to Lord. Not making own name, but glorify the Name of our Lord.
Everyone of us read at least one time in life Book of Genesis. And even more of us knows story behind throwing out the first people Adam and Eve from the Paradise. We all know that behind all of this was refusing an order given by God.
But I would like to go a little bit deeper. What was truly behind all of that? And what was behind refusing a Word of God?
Even if this story is actually short, it bears strong message and thoughts.
First of all, keep in mind, that first people had really beautiful life and there was no fear, or anything we can feel right now. They had confidence in God without doubts. They knew just Him, His orders, His words, they were lucky to have His presence as close as it is possible. They lived in chastity.
What happened that this all took the change? It is easy to say , and in reality, it is true, that it was because Eve obeyed a snake. What caused this? It started with “Did God actually say..."?. It was not just simple refusing of God. It was mistrust about His Word. Are we not all many times in situation , when we are face to face of mistrusting, or doubts about , for example our future, our every - day lives, our feelings inside of us?
Is it not normal sometimes for us that we talk with someone and he/she starts with this question?
I believe that all of us have moments when we are fearful, when we are anxious, when we are unrest. What causes this in us? Is it not similar to situation, which happened many years ago in Paradise to our first parents, but in different understanding? Was it not a doubt caused by snake, which lead Eve to take that apple from the tree?
It is all caused by that slimy voice back in our head which is able to speak to us. "Did God actually say...?"...is absolutely dubitative thought about Word of God.
We can see it, by the way, now in many situations. Society is so savage nowadays. Many things which Christians are used to say is "Is it truly written in Bible in this way..? And worse: Is the Bible truly Word of God?
The truth is that we can not take from Bible just things we like. The Bible is not the Book, which contains just some passages, which in our opinion fits to our times. It is the Book which fit to every time with all of things which are down there. So if it is written that God said....so be sure that God said it like it is.
Be careful about what you keep in your mind. Be careful about how often you read your Bible and never be unsure about what is written here. There is no bigger and more truthful Word than the Word of God. So if He said something, believe it and live it. And never let yourself with that slimy voice back in your head to make you doubtful. Because that is his goal: to make you unrest and unsure. And it always leads into damage, mainly yourself.
There are plenty women who became mother and found a power in it. I know that today it is modern to be seen and sound and loud. Sometimes I wonder if in that noise they do they can hear something.... Maybe they see there their power. It is interesting how someone use their noise for making themselves more powerful....
But imagine you do not yell and still seems that you have all 5 alright.....
We got used to see women who moved a line of womenhood far far away from true mission.
Women were born to do important work in society. They perfectly fit in process of functioning of the society with their original, natural sides and virtues.
And this is something I really appreciate at many women out there. They use their voice for good, not for the show.
It is cool to see at medias and social medias someone who treat motherhood and womenhood with respect and observance. Who find power themselves by doing work for God and His people....
I apreciate every mother out there who can be cool mum and at the
same time that "what about 5 minutes for coffee" type of mum. Or loving
mum and still "one day I end at therapy" mum.. (if we stay in humor area
a little bit 😉 ).
I have my own top list of women who are worth to follow and who, in my opinion, gives powerful messages and does admirable work.
They are mothers, wives, messengers of our times.It is so great to have someone out there, who stays in area of own dignity and femininity.
Today as a part 1:
Ashley Bratcher
I think many of you knows exactly who she is. In USA and Canada they (or you) were happy enough to see movie Unplanned about what is happening in abortion facilities. It is powerful story which came in right time, when governances of many states are in session of deciding about laws, which involves "rights" for abortion...
Nowadays, when many women treat themselves like slaves of modern times and declare that their bodies are their choices...When womenhood reached great radicalism it is hopeful find that there are still some women, who have respect for themselves and others and find their power within themselves, not in killing others..
And it is not that Ashley would not know what is it to become a mother totaly unplanned...But she stayed face to face this situation and was brave enough to not give it up and now she can share her own experience with other women who are in the same situation.
I appreciate her honest present of herself and her veracity. It is obviously one of that mum who is cool and carefull at the same time. I see her as a smart and gentle and really kind personality but at the same time she evocates respect in others before her.
And I think this is something what is really important, especially today.
Source: Facebook
Lets follow her another stories and take some inspiration from her.
And if you wonder where you can see her at "some screens", go and find her performance in Vindication series on Amazon Prime video, go right to episode 4 (on August 9th).
We will definitely hear about her in the future :)
When is more suitable time for learning reasons to be catholic than now, when is Church in crisis?
I am free to confess that few years ago I had rough times in relation to my Mother Church. I had problem with her doctrine (in few years I was even pro choice, but it is another story, maybe later), I had problem with her priests, I was able to blame everyone everywhere and I often said popular quote which uses every other catholic (simple every christian) around the world: Just God can judge me. And I often forgot that this sentence bear one of the biggest truth: He will.
When I was younger I used to go to the church regularly, every Sunday, every first Friday, I went regularly to Communion, every month to Confession, I was taught to pray rosary and pray to Virgin Mary and everything what true catholic is teach to do and should do. Then it turned down.
My life turned upside down. I lost control in my life. I lost my ground under the feet. Scandals of priests, life trials, downfalls, efforts to find the right path through my life, opinions from society, people around me.....I ended in the Mess.
I started to blame God for every disaster in my Life. There was no one who would tell me: Girl, stop, He loves you. It is not that you are on some black list created by Him. (For the record: I do not believe there is some black list).
So I began to hate. I started to use every fall of the Church as a reason for my leaving the Church.
But I never did it. Why? Let me explain you.
When I was in college, I studied literature and as a student of literature you have this big list of books for reading, including the Bible. Me as a lapsed catholic who publicly rejected doctrine of the Church, took it with chill. No feelings, no thoughts, it was just duty. But something in my mind was there and used to tell me I should take it more serious. I was curious about some passages so I began to study Bible more often. More than ever before.
I saw myself playing with thought about returning to praying rosary. Suddenly my anxiety, which was present in my being so many years led me to something I thought I will never do again. To praying.
I often asked myself through these times how is it possible that liberal, lapsed believer, like me, found herself in place of someone absolutely opposite. This process was not so simple like it seems to be.
It took many years to become me right now. It caused pain, it was caused by downfalls.
You surely know that God is a wise Man. He can use your faults and failings to create Masterpiece.
From previous girl who stood against Church doctrine became woman who stand beside her.
As my favorite passage beyond Gospels in New Testamens are letters from Apostle Paul, who seemed to me be more similar to me than any other man in full Bible, I was , as many more around the world, aware of arrival the movie Paul, the Apostle of the Christ. I listened to interview with authors, catholics behind this great movie, Andrew Hyatt and T.J. Berden, who practically said what is known by everyone: It does not matter how far you go from the Church, you can always become Paul of your times. And this was that reason I decided to look closer to my own case and think about my own experiences. Now I take you finaly closer too.
I wondered why I stayed in the church which comes through so much scandals and decreases. Someone could tell I am crazy. But I decide to explain why me, and you should too, stay catholic and will never leave this church. Book from Peter Kreeft, Forty reasons I am catholic helped me really much.
I used every reason I had for leaving in the past to stay inside:
1.Scandals of priests.
What happened inside the church around priests is more than scandal. It is tragedy. For someone it is reason for leaving, for me it is reason for staying. Because it is not just them, of whom is Church formed. It is every other person beside them. If one part of the element failed, it is up to other parts to save it and continue in refining. If I would leave, one part of Body of the Christ would be taken. Be aware of the fact, that you are the part of process. You are the part of The body of Jesus. Even when one human fails, it does not matter. There are many more human beings who can change it whole .
2. Strict doctrine
Many people tells nowadays that doctrine of Catholic church is too hard. I used to think it too until I realized that maybe it can be somehow strict, but understand that if Teacher is too soft, how can you become better person, better student, reach better goals in your life? Even when you are under strict rules, it is not to punish you or taking your freedom. No. It is because you were created for so much more and higher aims.
It is always better to go through lesson of life with stricter rules and accomplish your journey at the best which is Kingdom of God. That rules are there to free you from your fragility. The biggest success is life without sin but even saints were people like all of us and made some mistakes so be true, it is not so simple. True Freedom is in Christ alone. And that is what church watch.
3.Catholic church refuses women in priesthood
What can seem as a discrimination is simple following of God and His laws. If He appoined men for priesthood, I am not here to argue. There is just one authority , God alone. Catholics just follows this law.
And if you feel to use this as a discrimination or dispraise of women, I have for you this thought: there are many other spaces for realization , even in religious area. Every woman is important for functioning of the Church. Every human being has its own value. No one is beyond favor of God. So stop to keep your attention somewhere where is "inserted" someone else and start to look around yourself, you surely can be useful in every other place :).
4.Pro Life movement
Well, this is really current theme for discussions.
Once I used to think that be against abortion is being against the women rights. Oh how much I was wrong...
It is necessary to understand that there is nothing free and good in life with knowledge you destroyed life of other human. What is good about living with conscience that you , instead of empower yourself and testify to yourself that you are stronger than your fear and society around you, did something so horrible that you found yourself killing innocent life which can not protect itself? And .
If you try to explain this and tell me that it is your body, go and repeat lesson from biology right now. It is clear that human life begins in the womb when sperm meets ovulum. Because that is when another body begin to develop.
5. Refusing of approval Homosexual relationships as a marriage
No this is not against human rights. It is just following of the Laws. Like you can not kill and steal, you can not commit adultery. With nobody. Just remember Sodom and Gomorrah. The Bible is not for adjust the times. We are designated to adjust the Bible.
Do not get me wrong, I love every person God created. I just do not think it is ok to break down His rules. Even I am sinner. My fear of Him, His judgement and confidence in His words is more than what society can give me . Ever. Period.
6.Catholic Church goes not hand in hand with modern, liberal times
Thank God! If it would go, there would be much more disaster .
7. Refusing of free love and strict view on marriages
Again. Thank God. Marriage is powerful bond. It can save and change everything . It creates a family. There is power of society. If it would be simple to unbind it, it could cause collapse of families.
The most sacramental relationship ever. Relationship with Jesus. In Him I find truly freedom. Nowhere else.
9. Final. Catholic Church never changed its doctrine
Yes it is the best. If you are faithful in all those years, you are predicted to stay faithful forever.
I highly recommend to read book mentioned up above. Mr. Kreeft said many more reasons, and I think there is low possibility to opose them....
There is interview with Andrew Hyatt and T.J. Berden.