Honestly I have to say that in the past I had not so much chances to meet people with Down syndrome. I remember one special occasion through the Mass. It was magical. Before me sat boy around 10 years old who had Down syndrome. In some moment priest says "give yourself a sign of peace", what means you shake hand with people around you. This little boy did not shake hands with his neighbours. He stood and embraced young woman beside him. This young lady tried not to smile but she had no chance. It was obviously she felt happy in spite of first shock. I just realized that many people understand peace in many different ways and this was one of the most beautiful way...
From this only one experience I never met another people with DS, at least I do not remember that.
I never thought about them, I just read sometimes about them, or noticed videos with them shared through the social medias. But never looked closer at them. Sometimes I contributed with some posts for medias in occasion of 21st March....Until January this year.
It was on Facebook where one day cute little face of little man showed up and honestly I do not remember caption of that but I felt it will be worthy to look at it. And it was. This little perfectly smile on the face of 3 years old Rhett was something what caused joy inside of me. Same as little Lucas Warren year ago who became first baby with DS who was face of Gerber .
Suddenly I felt I need to find more about "his little or bigger friends". I began journey of recognition .
I know that many people have some special imaginings about people with Down Syndrome. I had them too. Or at least had one general. That they are that ones with never - ending smile on their faces.
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Picture source: Instagram |
From many sources I got a lot of opinions and informations but some of them were just not satisfying and sometimes they were awful or scary at some point. You know how it works when it comes to people with special needs and who are "disable". "Normal" people look at people with disability like at someone who has less chances to be succesful in their life or can not be asset to our society. I know what I talk about. I have brother with cerebral palsy. From early childhood I met with a lot of questions and if there were no questions, there were a lot of opinions and judgements. And A LOT OF people who stared....everytime...I mean. Why are we looking at people who are different than we are so boundly? What if is not them who are different, what if is it US who are different?
So I came through these "certain opinions and statements". Like. People with DS have no chance to be educated. Go and tell this to Karen Gaffney with Honorary doctorate degree and who graduated from collage. People with DS can not mary. Yeah, I looked at it, I think that young Sader Issa from Syria, whose father has Down Syndrome, can have maybe different opinion...Or what about having small business? Blake Pyron from Texas is example that even this could be possible . Young actor from Australia, Danny Alsabbagh could show us that expressions of people with DS can be usefully and are really missing there. They can be whoever they want.
What I want to say is: if God gave them one extra chromosome, He did not gave it to deprive us of something, He gave it to enrich us. Why are we so afraid of accepting this?
I feel awfully when I listen or read like is it still present in our society that if mother receive information that her child will have Down Syndrome that doctor could give her a chance to abort this child....And that most of women do that. Is it necenecessary and just to nurture women in society with thought that child with DS is obstacle or burden for society? Because many people assume that.
I believe that one extra chromosome can be more than asset to the world. Because in this one extra chromosome is hiding something special what carry all of that, what is this world still missing.
And I believe that little Rhett and his friends are the best what we could get from above, like every other little child....And that one day , with help of us all, who believe in value of their little extra chromosome, they will be accept with full potential which they brought within into this world and no mother will be face up "a chance" to say "yes", as a answer for not getting a chance to give them a life...
In occasion of October, Down Syndrome Awareness month , I encourage you all, educate yourself. Look at people with DS as at someone who is able to teach you more than you can get anywhere. And do not stare. Never. The end.
And give yourself a favor and look at little Rhett on Good Morning America...It will make your day, I assure you
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I do not own this picture, it is in ownership of Team Rhett Facebook |
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