...and many more. I think about women who stood against contrarious circumstances and faced them with brave attitude.These women are all mothers, whose children were born with something special, or were pushed to face some distressed situations, which affected their families and them alone.
Having children with special needs should be considered as something what push families around these children to special actions and teach their background something more than they could learn with children with ordinary needs. It should be consider as something what is concentrating. It is not consider to push these families back in society, or in the corner. Every child needs family, love, lovely people around them. Not judging, staring, or unfair conditions. Even today we can face some awkward looks from the people who have not child with special needs and have no idea what it takes and means to be parent or sibling or just friend of these children. My brain explodes everytime I hear or read how people with disabilities are something less or considered as a "burden of society". Like "they can not read, write, live normal life, work, train, so what is their purpose?" Imagine you are mother - to - be and read or listen to these nonsenses 😑. I mean...are you kidding me at all?
So let 's talk about mothers who decide to show true face of life with children with disabilities and then special needs. They have to face everyday life and obstacles but never give it up and share their experiences to help other mothers and I truly find it awesome and wonderful!
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Facebook/SaraEnglandFitness |
They are mothers of children with Down syndrome. These women are Amanda Booth, , Sara England, Rachael Prescott , known as a Doubling Down Mom ,Lee Ann Weatherholt Flener (Team Rhett) , Jessica Elder, Amber Robinson and Audrey Negron .
What captured my attention is never ending big smile on faces of these mums and their little angels. Energy which comes from them is catching. People with Down Syndrome are often considered as that ones who have no future at all. But look at these amazing women is so powerful. I am glad , so glad, that there are women like them who empower other mothers with positive vibes, who destroys that lies about children with this abnormality. I know that people with Down syndrome has many problems. With health globaly, with education, with movement. I know that there are prognosis about these kids and their future. But it is so perfect to see women like these ladies who understood that prediction is one thing, but reality can be so much different.
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Facebook/DoublingDownMom |
Many people identify themselves with opinion that abortion of these children is better than giving life to them...Many states advocates for this opinion. It is tragedy. We are here, society, to stay beside every human , not just for that ones, who are in our view "useful". Every child matters and every human being has right to life and can be useful for global humanity, there is no doubt. So if you have some mum in surrounding, who just got information that she expect child with this special beautiful extra chromosome, give her hug, tell her she is strong enough and that her child is loved and that their future depends on them, not on society. From now and on 💪. Ant that there are few of us, who are lucky to welcome them in the world and we are glad and thankful for them, really much. And, of course, do not forget to refer them to follow these ladies, ok?
And now, one really cute boy, little Rhett (source: You Tube )
All of these pictures belongs to their owners and under every picture is reference, source with automatic connecting to this source
I have had the blessing of knowing a few with "Up" syndrome! ;) I think it is so sad that society feels they can just cast out whomever doesn't meet their standards. God still has a purpose and a plan for each little life, no matter what obstacles we face in getting there!