Attacks in Sri Lanka from 2 days ago left wounds which can not be healed so soon.....People who were killed and pain their killers left is incurable for a very long time. If not forever.
Families who lost their children, parents, entire family will gather strenght really long .
Reactions to these attacks were immediate and we can feel pain in some words and this pain is common for us all, catholics and non - catholics along.
But some reactions, and I want speak about two which touched me and somehow shook me are from Mr.Obama and Mrs.Clinton. I understand their effort to pay a compassion to people who died but what they called them is unacceptable.
So dear Mr.Obama and Mrs. Clinton. I appreciate your remorse over victims but what you called them is in my opinion dishonour of them. They were persecuted because of their faith. They were killed because they never left the Truth. They , unlike you, were not afraid of showing honour to Christ in public, never betrayed Him. Even in country which is not christian. They deserves respect, not ironic comments.
They and we are not Easter worshippers. Please understand that Christian is not curse, nor abuse word. I get that today is society trying to be liberal, tolerant, but if you can name victims of attacks on Muslim and Jewish, or Hindu people by their true name, please do it with us too.
We are not ashamed of our faith. We are not worshippers. We are people of The Truth. There is no name for this Truth than Jesus Christ. We are not Easter worshippers. We are followers of Truth named Jesus Christ.
Our faith is not about worship (just, even too), our faith is about Life. No matter how hard you try , you will never destroy the fact that Truth has its own name and you can do and will do whatever you want , this Truth will always be named and will always be true. Christian is our common name and please, respect it.
Cesta za vierou je ťažká. Ak ju už jeden krát máš, drž sa jej a ver. Nie je to o tom, že nikdy nezoslabne, je to o tom, či vydrží. Niekde som čítala, že počas cesty za vierou spoznáš to najlepšie a to najhoršie zo seba. Ale musíš vydržať.Nevnímať, čo je naokolo, ale to, že pred tebou sa otvára raj a v ňom Kristus sám. Ten ťa stále sprevádza. Nikdy v žiadnom boji nie si sám.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Prayer of the soul
Just few people knows all saints or people on the way to sainthood. One of the people, who got on this way for his works and sacrifice is Padre Dolindo Ruotolo, italian priest, whose name was well known in 20th century in Italy and who was according Padre Pio from Pietrelcina saint priest.
Padre Dolindo wrote many books, helped many people, bestowed his everything to the poor, gave unforgettably speaches and homilies and was for the majority of his life banned from serving the Mass. He was later known for not just his work , but now, when he is in process of beatification, we knows about his conversations with Jesus and Mother Mary .
Besides all these things Dolindo wrote , inspired by Holy Ghost, one really emotional prayer, called Jesus to the soul.... and according to one of his spiritual children, Mr.Umberto Cervo this prayer was always sung by Padre Dolindo before Nativity in the church.
Padre Dolindo was well known for his absolutely submission to Jesus and beside Novene of Submission, we have this prayer, which knows just few people and officialy is known maybe just in Italy.
This prayer was written in Napoli, on the 7th of January in 1958. I want to share it with you.In time of anxiety and fear, just close your eyes and pray. Here:
Jesus to the soul:
Padre Dolindo wrote many books, helped many people, bestowed his everything to the poor, gave unforgettably speaches and homilies and was for the majority of his life banned from serving the Mass. He was later known for not just his work , but now, when he is in process of beatification, we knows about his conversations with Jesus and Mother Mary .
Besides all these things Dolindo wrote , inspired by Holy Ghost, one really emotional prayer, called Jesus to the soul.... and according to one of his spiritual children, Mr.Umberto Cervo this prayer was always sung by Padre Dolindo before Nativity in the church.
Padre Dolindo was well known for his absolutely submission to Jesus and beside Novene of Submission, we have this prayer, which knows just few people and officialy is known maybe just in Italy.
This prayer was written in Napoli, on the 7th of January in 1958. I want to share it with you.In time of anxiety and fear, just close your eyes and pray. Here:
Jesus to the soul:
Close your burnt out eyes full of tears, close them on my love and asleep on my heart.
When you look around yourself , you wander, you suffer...Do not lose yourself in your pain, just fell asleep on my heart.
If you listen to what persuade you your weak nature and temptations, you do not rest on me.
Close your ears, listen just to my voice of love, which search for satisfaction in your love and let yourself rest in my heart
If you have no convenient cradle, you have not strown your bed, how can you sleep? The ground is hard and it wound you a lot. Save your soul comfortably into my mercy,asleep yourself on my heart and believe just me.
If light is artificial, how can you close your eyelids tired because of pain?
Put out the light of your thoughts, put out the lamps of your criterias, which shed shadows of fear on you. Look at everything through sweet darkness of faith and that little calm clematis rock you to sleep on my heart.
If you cry, how can you fell asleep? Cover yourself with my warm will...Cuddle yourself in me and sleep on my heart.
Do you want to sing a lullaby to me? If you scream and you have no patience in suffering, how can I fell asleep?...I leap everytime I hear your appeal and crying and my heart blast from the pain.
Do you want to sing a lullaby to me, the sacrifice of my love? Close the windows, through which your unrest and confusion cross like whirling wind and I put myself for rest in your
heartˈs quiet submission to God.
Do you want to sing a lullaby to me, my fiancée? Every mistake you do tear veil of peace from yourself and cover you with armour which haunts me. And thatˈs when I can ˈt sleep.
Smooth me with your goodness without grieve, rejoice me with your sanctification of your body and you will fetch out bruks pikes , which are hurting me and scrape me, from my cradle. Look at me inside your suffering with love full of peace , look like I would look at you and still look from my hard cradles. Let me asleep inside of you.
Sing to me a lullaby from love and I will fell asleep , quiet, in your heart...
source: Joanna Batkiewicz - Brožek: Jezu, Ty się tym zajmij”
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Unplanned – neplánované bloknutý
Je tomu pár dní, čo do kín po celej USA prišiel film
s dosť citlivou tematikou, ktorá spoločnosť skôr rozdeľuje, ako spája.
Volá sa Unplanned. Ešte ani neuzrel svetlo sveta a už naštartoval ostré
diskusie, Pro – Life a Pro – Choice sa dostali znovu do stretu. Ani ten
Zákon umožňujúci potraty v 8. mesiaci, schválený v januári v New
Yorku, neostal nepovšimnutí a prilial len olej do ohňa, ako sa vraví...
Najzaujímavejšie je, že sa k tomuto pre mnohých
nešťastnému zákonu, začali ozývať aj ľudia, ktorí sa dovtedy príliš na tému
potratov nevyjadrovali.
Film Unplanned teda prišiel práve v tú citlivú dobu
a dosť pochybujem, že to tvorcovia plánovali, keďže samotný námet
a film bol spracovaný niekoľko mesiacov predtým a produkcia dátum
uvedenia oznámila oveľa skôr...
Film je dielom niekdajšej pracovníčky Planned Parenthood ,
Abby Johnson. Abby sa jednoducho rozhodla svoje skúsenosti pri sprostredkúvaní
potratov preniesť na filmové plátno.
Nie je šokujúce ani tak to, že sa taký film dostal na
filmové plátna, veď dnes vraj panuje vo svete sloboda slova, prejavu, názoru.
Je tomu však tak?
Pár týždňov pred uvedením dostal film R. Teda písmeno, ktoré
značí, že film obsahuje scény násilné, nevhodné pre deti do 17 rokov a tak
napriek tomu, že sa vo filme objavia prípady, kedy k potratu pristúpili
dievčatá aj v tejto vekovej skupine, bez prítomnosti rodiča, akosi ich
rovesníčky už nemajú umožnené, aby si to celé pozreli bez rodičov. Necítiť tu
trošku pokrytectvo? Že s niečím nesúhlasím neznamená, že mám právo
zasahovať a zakazovať druhým, aby súhlasili. A aby sa prejavili.
Zahanbiť sa nedali ani sociálne siete. Pár dní po uvedení na
filmové plátna dostala Oficiálna stránka filmu na Twitteri stopku. Až po
nátlaku verejnosti túto stopku zrušili a
účet odvtedy dosiahol väčší počet sledovateľov, ako má samotné Planned
Ja sa len pýtam: Kde je tá sloboda slova, ktorú tak ostro
všetci prezentujú? Nepodkopala si spoločnosť MPAA, rozhodujúca o vhodnosti
filmov pre mládež vlastné nohy, keď jediným písmenom uznala, že samotné akty
zobrazujúce vo filme sú nevhodné pre maloletých a že obsahujú násilie?
Nepotvrdila tým vlastne , že samotná realita je nevhodná a násilná?
A tak je dnes napriek úsiliu samého Planned Parenthood,
ktorý v minulosti s Abby Johnson viedol súdne spory, spolkov, ktoré
sa hlásia k slobode prejavu a uznaniu tohto práva aj iným, majú
v rukách moc, prostriedky, film dosahuje v USA úspechy.
V rebríčku návštevnosti dosiahol zatiaľ 4. miesto a to napriek tomu,
že ho možno vidieť až po dosiahnutí dospelosti.
Ja len, že každá minca má dve strany. Keď dovoľujeme
prejaviť sa jednej, nemali by sme dať šancu na prezentovanie a slovo aj
tej druhej?
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Je veľa piesní, ktoré dokážeme počúvať stále dookola a dookola a neomrzia nás. Tiež mám také, viď nižšie :)
Pravidelne si púšťam pár piesní, ktoré ma dokážu nakopnúť a pozdvihnúť moju myseľ. Jednou z nich je aj pieseň Centric worship s Lauren Daigle, Come Alive (Dry Bones)
Spieva sa v nej: Voláme všetky vyschnuté kosti, aby ožili. Voláme všetky mŕtve srdcia, aby ožili. Z popola povstane armáda, hľa. Voláme všetky vyschnuté kosti, aby ožili.
Ona je to pieseň, ktorá nám vypovedá o znovuobjavení a vnútornom oživení. Osobne sa dokážem pri nej aj ukľudniť, aj povzniesť. Prikladám vám link na video, príjemný deň :)
Centric Worship feat Lauren Daigle
Pravidelne si púšťam pár piesní, ktoré ma dokážu nakopnúť a pozdvihnúť moju myseľ. Jednou z nich je aj pieseň Centric worship s Lauren Daigle, Come Alive (Dry Bones)
Spieva sa v nej: Voláme všetky vyschnuté kosti, aby ožili. Voláme všetky mŕtve srdcia, aby ožili. Z popola povstane armáda, hľa. Voláme všetky vyschnuté kosti, aby ožili.
Ona je to pieseň, ktorá nám vypovedá o znovuobjavení a vnútornom oživení. Osobne sa dokážem pri nej aj ukľudniť, aj povzniesť. Prikladám vám link na video, príjemný deň :)
Centric Worship feat Lauren Daigle
Sú situácie, najmä citové okamihy, kedy sa mi vracajú
niektoré pocitové míľniky. Akoby sa to, čo som už niekedy pociťovala, cítila,
prežila, vracia späť. Začínam uvažovať, či to Tata nerobí schválne. Že chce,
aby som to, v čom som kedysi zlyhala, skúsila ešte raz. Neuľahčuje mi to
však. Prežívam znovu to isté, len tentoraz bez upadnutia. Čím to je ale? Na
toto možno existuje len tá odpoveď, že je to tým, že sa to už stalo, len
v inej podobe a v inom období. Akoby chcel Tatino dosiahnuť
u mňa ten okamih, kedy sa pozriem a poviem si: Wow, toto som fakt
zvládla? Proste jednoducho akoby som sa mala znovu preniesť cez nejakú bolestnú
situáciu, v ktorej som už bola, len si viac všímam veci, ktoré som predtým
nevidela. Doslova so mnou bojuje s mojimi démonmi cez retrospektívu. Akoby
povedal: Tak, teraz si silnejšia, poď, tentoraz to zvládneš lepšie. Vážne som
šťastná, že tie okamihy sa vracajú. Nie preto, že by som trpela, a ja sa
v tom vyžívala, to nie, ale preto, že v každom z nich spoznávam
svoje najsilnejšie aj najslabšie stránky a každým ďalším pokusom prejsť
cez tie momenty mám jasnejší a jasnejší pohľad. Ako je pravda, že to bolí
fakt že veľmi, áno, trpím, ale to poznanie to utrpenie zľahčuje. A fakt ma
teší a zahrieva pri srdci, že po tých rokoch vidím, že vážne v tých
bojoch Ja verzus Ja nie som sama. Ono je to tak, že ten Zlý sa pokúša človeka
dostať do stavu úzkosti a beznádeje, lebo ukáže len na to, v čom
človek zlyhal a nechá ho topiť sa v tom. A s Tatinom je to
večne o tom, že v tomto boji Zlý verzus Dobrý vždy víťazí len ten
Dobrý. To je základ uvedomiť si. Že zlyhanie je cesta k sebapoznaniu
a vždy buď vďačný, keď zlyháš. Lebo to znamená, že tvoja cesta k tebe
ešte neskončila. Žiadne zlyhanie nie je koncom. Ale začiatkom.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Unplanned planned
Just 1 week ago Unplanned movie hit theatres in USA. Maybe controversial for someone, maybe not. This movie stirred the waters.
The story about experiences of Abby Johnson touched the hearts of everyone, no matter if you are Pro - Life or Pro - Choice and maybe it will change your heart, if you are in second group. I think it will.
Just few people knows how it works in this industry.
Few weeks before its premiere Unplanned got R - Rating from MPAA, which is given to movies describing as a violent, inclusive bloody, violent scenes, improperly for teenagers. It sounds to me somehow hypocritical, that even if movie portrays different cases of girls, who went for abortion and were maybe not even 16 or 17 years old in reality, their peers are banned from seeing this reality. And even if girl undergoing abortion is able to go there without her parents, her peers are banned from even seeing this without parents. No. This is not hypocritical. It is much more.
Somehow, social networks did their work in comparative way. You have your right to do and say everything, until it fits to someone opinion. And that someone has no inhibitions to use his/her power to show you, that until you will not change your subject of manifestation and your opinions, you will not get same right like others. Welcome to reality of 21st century. Freedom of speech is just word on paper and who is considered like ineligible, will not be able to be a part of this paper.
Luckily, there are still people strong enough to keep their values, their voice and they do not pay attention and their power to fight just against their virtual and real enemies, but fight for everything what is worthy.
I have many questions to concrete people, who are "Up". Is it not hypocritical, that you try to decide for women when and what movie they can see, even you try to decide, if body inside her body is real human being, even you try to decide what kind of right does she have, and still talk about women rights? What women rights do you fight for? We always talk about human rights and our only way for fighting for this rights is breaking down rights of other humans. You talk about rights of human groups, of religion groups and still you try to block them and try to take their rights of expression down. What kind of human rights are you fighting for?
Is it truly woman right, that she treat herself just like pot of something and have we not all right to give a life to other women and men? Are we not all people from the beginning? So what kind of human and women rights do you fight for?
I have two siblings. One with mental illness, one who was not planned and now I take care of her. And do you know what? I would not give them up, no matter what. Love is what plays main part in life. Women power is not based on what she cannot do, it is based on everything she can do. And if we think that abortion is way to empower, we lie to ourselves, because we treat women like underrated humans, who are not able and strong enough to fight for life.
Picture source: Unplanned Movie
The story about experiences of Abby Johnson touched the hearts of everyone, no matter if you are Pro - Life or Pro - Choice and maybe it will change your heart, if you are in second group. I think it will.
Just few people knows how it works in this industry.
Few weeks before its premiere Unplanned got R - Rating from MPAA, which is given to movies describing as a violent, inclusive bloody, violent scenes, improperly for teenagers. It sounds to me somehow hypocritical, that even if movie portrays different cases of girls, who went for abortion and were maybe not even 16 or 17 years old in reality, their peers are banned from seeing this reality. And even if girl undergoing abortion is able to go there without her parents, her peers are banned from even seeing this without parents. No. This is not hypocritical. It is much more.
Somehow, social networks did their work in comparative way. You have your right to do and say everything, until it fits to someone opinion. And that someone has no inhibitions to use his/her power to show you, that until you will not change your subject of manifestation and your opinions, you will not get same right like others. Welcome to reality of 21st century. Freedom of speech is just word on paper and who is considered like ineligible, will not be able to be a part of this paper.
Luckily, there are still people strong enough to keep their values, their voice and they do not pay attention and their power to fight just against their virtual and real enemies, but fight for everything what is worthy.
I have many questions to concrete people, who are "Up". Is it not hypocritical, that you try to decide for women when and what movie they can see, even you try to decide, if body inside her body is real human being, even you try to decide what kind of right does she have, and still talk about women rights? What women rights do you fight for? We always talk about human rights and our only way for fighting for this rights is breaking down rights of other humans. You talk about rights of human groups, of religion groups and still you try to block them and try to take their rights of expression down. What kind of human rights are you fighting for?
Is it truly woman right, that she treat herself just like pot of something and have we not all right to give a life to other women and men? Are we not all people from the beginning? So what kind of human and women rights do you fight for?
I have two siblings. One with mental illness, one who was not planned and now I take care of her. And do you know what? I would not give them up, no matter what. Love is what plays main part in life. Women power is not based on what she cannot do, it is based on everything she can do. And if we think that abortion is way to empower, we lie to ourselves, because we treat women like underrated humans, who are not able and strong enough to fight for life.
Picture source: Unplanned Movie
Thursday, April 4, 2019
TOP 15 songs for your daily struggles
Každý máme pieseň. ktorú považujeme za obľúbenú a ktorá nám v adekvátnom čase pripomína adekvátne spomienky a ľudí. Ja ich mám tiež niekoľko.
Dnes sa však nebudem zameriavať na piesne mainstreamové, ale na piesne duchovnejšieho charakteru. Tzv. Worship piesne
Piesní, ktoré sa mi zarývajú pod kožu, do duše a ktoré nesú v sebe taký silný odkaz, ktorý sa nedá ničím prekonať, je mnoho. Ja som si utvorila vlastný TOP 15 rebríček, v ktorom hrajú prím texty, motív, hudba, sila prednesu a odkaz. Našli ste nejaké svoje Topky aj vy?
Dnes sa však nebudem zameriavať na piesne mainstreamové, ale na piesne duchovnejšieho charakteru. Tzv. Worship piesne
Piesní, ktoré sa mi zarývajú pod kožu, do duše a ktoré nesú v sebe taký silný odkaz, ktorý sa nedá ničím prekonať, je mnoho. Ja som si utvorila vlastný TOP 15 rebríček, v ktorom hrajú prím texty, motív, hudba, sila prednesu a odkaz. Našli ste nejaké svoje Topky aj vy?
15. Darlene Zschech (Hillsong Church): Shout to the Lord
14.Jesus Culture - Holy Spirit
13.Jeremy Riddle - Unto the Lamb
12.Jenn Johnson and Brooke Ligertwood - Heaven Comes
11. Taya Smith (Hillsong) - So will I
10. Lauren Daigle - Still Rolling Stone
9.Kristene DiMarco - It is well
8.Melissa Helser - Strength
7.Jenn Johnson (Bethel Church) - Goodness of God
6.Lauren Daigle - Peace Be Still
5. Steffany Gretzinger (Bethel)- Reckless Love
4.Jonathan David and Melissa Helses - Raise a Hallelujah
3. Aodhan King (Hillsong Church) - Touch of Heaven
2.Jonathan David and Melissa Helser - No Longer Slaves
1.Brooke Ligertwood - What a Beautiful Name
Obrázok : Facebook/Jeremy Riddle
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Predíď sebadeštrukcii
Poznáte to? Myšlienky, ktoré vás zväzujú, trápia, nedajú vám spať. To veľakrát vedie k depresii, úzkosti, nadmernej záťaži. Takéto myšlienky vedia človeka zničiť.
Tiež som mávala a občas aj dnes mávam s tým problém. Našťastie, existuje veľa ľudí, ktorí si prešli niečím podobným a rozhodli sa, že svojimi zisteniami, pozorovaniami prispejú k uľahčeniu týchto stavov druhým.
Bolo ich dosť aj v minulosti, je ich dosť aj dnes. Medzi nich zaraďujem osobne aj pastora Ricka Warrena. Pred istým časom som si vypočula a pozrela pár jeho prednášok a výpovedí a nielen že ma zaujali, ale aj v mnohojm pomohli. Úplne prvou prednáškou, ktorú som mala možnosť si pozrieť, bola o tom, ako predísť sebadeštrukcii. Bolo to asi prvé video, pri ktorom som sa pristihla, že si robím poznámky. A v skratke som si urobila krátku, malú tabuľku, s ktorou sa podelím aj s vami. Obsahuje 7 bodov toho, ako predísť vlastnej sebadeštrukcii. Tak snáď vám pomôže a aj niečo povedia a na základe nich sa vám uľahčí na srdiečku!
Prikladám aj link na video:
Nauč sa, ako predísť sebadeštrukcii by Rick Warren
Tiež som mávala a občas aj dnes mávam s tým problém. Našťastie, existuje veľa ľudí, ktorí si prešli niečím podobným a rozhodli sa, že svojimi zisteniami, pozorovaniami prispejú k uľahčeniu týchto stavov druhým.

Nauč sa, ako predísť sebadeštrukcii by Rick Warren
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Ani Panna Mária nemá hranice
A to myslím doslova. Keď sa zjavila v ďalekej Rwande, predpokladám, že mnohým prebehla v hlave myšlienka, prečo práve tu? A ako to, že s...
V živote človeka sa vyskytnú situácie, kedy si už nevie doslova rady. Prídu chvíle, kedy klesáme na duchu, zúfame si. Ide o ťažké situác...
Aj vám sa niekedy stáva, že sa vám v hlave vyrojí nápad, myšlienka, o ktorej si myslíte, že je priam ideálna na spracovanie, už už máte plán...