Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What "little Rhett " caused...

Do not let yourself fooled by caption. Because no. No Rhett did not cause something. But even thought...Something happened.

Honestly I have to say that in the past I had not so much chances to meet people with Down syndrome. I remember one special occasion through the Mass. It was magical. Before me sat boy around 10 years old who had Down syndrome. In some moment priest says "give yourself a sign of peace", what means you shake hand with people around you. This little boy did not shake hands with his neighbours. He stood and embraced young woman beside him. This young lady tried not to smile but she had no chance. It was obviously she felt happy in spite of first shock. I just realized that many people understand peace in many different ways and this was one of the most beautiful way...

From this only one experience I never met another people with DS, at least I do not remember that.
I never thought about them, I just read sometimes about them, or noticed videos with them shared through the social medias. But never looked closer at them. Sometimes I contributed with some posts for medias in occasion of 21st March....Until January this year.
It was on Facebook where one day cute little face of little man showed up and honestly I do not remember caption of that but I felt it will be worthy to look at it. And it was. This little perfectly smile on the face of 3 years old Rhett was something what caused joy inside of me. Same as little Lucas Warren year ago who became first baby with DS who was face of Gerber .
Suddenly I felt I need to find more about "his little or bigger friends". I began journey of recognition .
I know that many people have some special imaginings about people with Down Syndrome. I had them too. Or at least had one general. That they are that ones with never - ending smile on their faces.

Picture source: Instagram

From many sources I got a lot of opinions and informations but some of them were just not satisfying and sometimes they were awful or scary at some point. You know how it works when it comes to people with special needs and who are "disable". "Normal" people look at people with disability like at someone who has less chances to be succesful in their life or can not be asset to our society. I know what I talk about. I have brother with cerebral palsy. From early childhood I met with a lot of questions and if there were no questions, there were a lot of opinions and judgements. And A LOT OF people who stared....everytime...I mean. Why are we looking at people who are different than we are so boundly? What if is not them who are different, what if is it US who are different?

So I came through these "certain opinions and statements". Like. People with DS have no chance to be educated. Go and tell this to Karen Gaffney with Honorary doctorate degree and who graduated from collage. People with DS can not mary. Yeah, I looked at it, I think that young Sader Issa from Syria, whose father has Down Syndrome, can have maybe different opinion...Or what about having small business? Blake Pyron from Texas is example that even this could be possible . Young actor from Australia, Danny Alsabbagh could show us that expressions of people with DS can be usefully and are really missing there. They can be whoever they want.

What I want to say is: if God gave them one extra chromosome, He did not gave it to deprive us of something, He gave it to enrich us. Why are we so afraid of accepting this?

I feel awfully when I listen or read like is it still present in our society that if mother receive information that her child will have Down Syndrome that doctor could give her a chance to abort this child....And that most of women do that. Is it necenecessary and just to nurture women in society with thought that child with DS is obstacle or burden for society? Because many people assume that.

I believe that one extra chromosome can be more than asset to the world. Because in this one extra chromosome is hiding something special what carry all of that, what is this world still missing.
And I believe that little Rhett and his friends are the best what we could get from above, like every other little child....And that one day , with help of us all, who believe in value of their little extra chromosome, they will be accept with full potential which they brought within into this world and no mother will be face up "a chance" to say "yes", as a answer for not getting a chance to give them a life...

In occasion of October, Down Syndrome Awareness month , I encourage you all, educate yourself. Look at people with DS as at someone who is able to teach you more than you can get anywhere. And do not stare. Never. The end.

And give yourself a favor and look at little Rhett on Good Morning America...It will make your day, I assure you

I do not own this picture, it is in ownership of Team Rhett Facebook

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

4 women that you should definitely follow...or at least know...maybe better. Part 2: Strong women with even stronger personalities

Amanda Booth, Sara England....

...and many more. I think about women who stood against contrarious circumstances and faced them with brave attitude.These women are all mothers, whose children were born with something special, or were pushed to face some distressed situations, which affected their families and them alone.

Having children with special needs should be considered as something what push families around these children to special actions and teach their background something more than they could learn with children with ordinary needs. It should be consider as something what is concentrating. It is not consider to push these families back in society, or in the corner. Every child needs family, love, lovely people around them. Not judging, staring, or unfair conditions. Even today we can face some awkward looks from the people who have not child with special needs and have no idea what it takes and means to be parent or sibling or just friend of these children. My brain explodes everytime I hear or read how people with disabilities are something less or considered as a "burden of society". Like "they can not read, write, live normal life, work, train, so what is their purpose?" Imagine you are mother - to - be and read or listen to these nonsenses 😑. I mean...are you kidding me at all?

So let 's talk about mothers who decide to show true face of life with children with disabilities and then special needs. They have to face everyday life and obstacles but never give it up and share their experiences to help other mothers and I truly find it awesome and wonderful!


They are mothers of children with Down syndrome. These women are Amanda Booth, , Sara EnglandRachael Prescott , known as a Doubling Down Mom ,Lee Ann Weatherholt Flener (Team Rhett) , Jessica ElderAmber Robinson  and  Audrey Negron .

What captured my attention is never ending big smile on faces of these mums and their little angels. Energy which comes from them is catching. People with Down Syndrome are often considered as that ones who have no future at all. But look at these amazing women is so powerful. I am glad , so glad, that there are women like them who empower other mothers with positive vibes, who destroys that lies about children with this abnormality. I know that people with Down syndrome has many problems. With health globaly, with education, with movement. I know that there are prognosis about these kids and their future. But it is so perfect to see women like these ladies who understood that prediction is one thing, but reality can be so much different.


Many people identify themselves with opinion that abortion of these children is better than giving life to them...Many states advocates for this opinion. It is tragedy. We are here, society, to stay beside every human , not just for that ones, who are in our view "useful". Every child matters and every human being has right to life and can be useful for global humanity, there is no doubt. So if you have some mum in surrounding, who just got information that she expect child with this special beautiful extra chromosome, give her hug, tell her she is strong enough and that her child is loved and that their future depends on them, not on society. From now and on 💪. Ant that there are few of us, who are lucky to welcome them in the world and we are glad and thankful for them, really much. And, of course, do not forget to refer them to follow these ladies, ok?

And now, one really cute boy, little Rhett (source: You Tube )

All of these pictures belongs to their owners and under every picture is reference, source with automatic connecting to this source

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Worship leading is not for everyone

At the beginning I want to assure you, that I was never 100% follower of worship music, especially in the past. There is no exact reason for it, maybe just that there was no kind of personality within modern worship leaders which would get me....That is what I would like to speak about. Worship leading.

Today there are a lot of people who tries to lead a worship. But at the beginning there is one thing important: define what true worship leading should consist of.

At first: Thirst for demonstration of observance, love, respect, devotion to Lord. Giving glory to Him. And lead others to do it with you.

And it can be  sometimes hard. Not everyone is able to lead, especially lead a crowd. I think if you want to lead people to worship, you have to depersonalize yourself. From the moment you start to worship , it is not about you anymore. There is necessity to lower yourself and give everything to that special feeling which leads you to worship. That feeling is called Love.
Your attention have to be fully on the Lord. Just then you are convenient. And this is what I missed on modern worship leaders.

I met with truly, total submission in just few cases. And the best example of what I think is the best worship leading I found in Jeremy Riddle. He does not lead. His personality and full being leads instead. It is not his voice, it is his presence.

For me, when he sings, it is just like you are in Heaven, in front of the Lord. His attention is not on the people, his attention is flying in the skies and your mind starts to fly with him . When I heard song Holy sung by him for the first time, I had absolutely picture of how it will look like in Heaven and Earth when Jesus will come for the second time. When he sings I think angels in Heaven are lead by him. His voice, his presence, his performing totaly demonstrates total zeal for only one thing: Giving Glory to God Almighty.

His performance is not typical performance. He does not perform, He worship. With full being , like he is. With everything what is inside him. And that is what exalt people who listens to him. 

I am sorry that modern worship leaders are trying to impress crowds before them. I am sorry that modern worship leading is about own presentation , for me it seems like true intention of worship leading is missing.

And I think I am not the only one who is sorry about that, too.

I think that with Jeremy there is still possibility and hope that worship leading will not fall. That true intention and mission of worship will stay in honest field, that worshipping will what it is meant to be: Talking and praise to Lord. Not making own name, but glorify the Name of our Lord.

Source: Facebook

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Was it a doubt?

Everyone of us read at least one time in life Book of Genesis. And even more of us knows story behind throwing out the first people Adam and Eve from the Paradise. We all know that behind all of this was refusing an order given by God. 

But I would like to go a little bit deeper. What was truly behind all of that? And what was behind refusing a Word of God?

Even if this story is actually short, it bears strong message and thoughts.

First of all, keep in mind, that first people had really beautiful life and there was no fear, or anything we can feel right now. They had confidence in God without doubts. They knew just Him, His orders, His words, they were lucky to have His presence as close as it is possible.  They lived in chastity.

What happened that this all took the change? It is easy to say , and in reality, it is true, that it was because Eve obeyed a snake. What caused this? It started with “Did God actually say..."?. 
It was not just simple refusing of God. It was mistrust about His Word. 

Are we not all many times in situation , when we are face to face of mistrusting, or doubts about , for example our future, our every - day lives, our feelings inside of us? 

Is it not normal sometimes for us that we talk with someone and he/she starts with this question? 

I believe that all of us have moments when we are fearful, when we are anxious, when we are unrest. What causes this in us? Is it not similar to situation, which happened many years ago in Paradise to our first parents, but in different understanding? Was it not a doubt caused by snake, which lead Eve to take that apple from the tree?

It is all caused by that slimy voice back in our head which is able to speak to us.  "Did God actually say...?" absolutely dubitative thought about Word of God.


We can see it, by the way, now in many situations. Society is so savage nowadays. Many things which Christians are used to say is "Is it truly written in Bible in this way..? And worse: Is the Bible truly Word of God?

The truth is that we can not take from Bible just things we like. The Bible is not the Book, which contains just some passages, which in our opinion fits to our times. It is the Book which fit to every time with all of things which are down there. So if it is written that God be sure that God said it like it is.

Be careful about what you keep in your mind. Be careful about how often you read your Bible and never be unsure about what is written here. There is no bigger and more truthful Word than the Word of God. So if He said something, believe it and live it. And never let yourself with that slimy voice back in your head to make you doubtful. Because that is his goal: to make you unrest and unsure. And it always leads into damage, mainly yourself.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

4 women that you should definitely follow...or at least know...maybe better. Part 1:Ashley Bratcher

There are plenty women who became mother and found a power in it. I know that today it is modern to be seen and sound and loud. Sometimes I wonder if in that noise they do they can hear something.... Maybe they see there their power. It is interesting how someone use their noise for making themselves more powerful....

But imagine you do not yell and still seems that you have all 5 alright.....
We got used to see women who moved a line of womenhood far far away from true mission.
Women were born to do important work in society. They perfectly fit in process of functioning of the society with their original, natural sides and virtues.

And this is something I really appreciate at many women out there. They use their voice for good, not for the show.
 It is cool to see at medias and social medias someone who treat motherhood and womenhood with respect and observance. Who find power themselves by doing work for God and His people....

I apreciate every mother out there who can be cool mum and at the same time that "what about 5 minutes for coffee" type of mum. Or loving mum and still "one day I end at therapy" mum.. (if we stay in humor area a little bit 😉 ).

I have my own top list of women who are worth to follow and who, in my opinion, gives powerful messages and does admirable work.

They are mothers, wives, messengers of our times.It is so great to have someone out there, who stays in area of own dignity and femininity.

Today as a part 1:

Ashley Bratcher

I think many of you knows exactly who she is. In USA and Canada they (or you) were happy enough to see movie Unplanned about what is happening in abortion facilities. It is powerful story which came in right time, when governances of many states are in session of deciding about laws, which involves "rights" for abortion...

Nowadays, when many women treat themselves like slaves of modern times and declare that their bodies are their choices...When womenhood reached great radicalism it is hopeful find that there are still some women, who have respect for themselves and others and find their power within themselves, not in killing others..
And it is not that Ashley would not know what is it to become a mother totaly unplanned...But she stayed face to face this situation and was brave enough to not give it up and now she can share her own experience with other women who are in the same situation.
I appreciate her honest present of herself and her veracity. It is obviously one of that mum who is cool and carefull at the same time. I see her as a smart and gentle and really kind personality but at the same time she evocates respect in others before her.
And I think this is something what is really important, especially today.

Source: Facebook

Lets follow her another stories and take some inspiration from her.
And if you wonder where you can see her at "some  screens", go and find her performance in Vindication series on Amazon Prime video, go right to episode 4 (on August 9th).

We will definitely hear about her in the future :)

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Everybody should know why to be catholic...or why I never left the Church

When is more suitable time for learning reasons to be catholic than now, when is Church in crisis?

I am free to confess that few years ago I had rough times in relation to my Mother Church. I had problem with her doctrine (in few years I was even pro choice, but it is another story, maybe later), I had problem with her priests, I was able to blame everyone everywhere and I often said popular quote which uses every other catholic (simple every christian) around the world: Just God can judge me. And I often forgot that this sentence bear one of the biggest truth: He will.

When I was younger I used to go to the church regularly, every Sunday, every first Friday, I went regularly to Communion, every month to Confession, I was taught to pray rosary and pray to Virgin Mary and everything what true catholic is teach to do and should do. Then it turned down.

My life turned upside down. I lost control in my life. I lost my ground under the feet. Scandals of priests, life trials, downfalls, efforts to find the right path through my life, opinions from society, people around me.....I ended in the Mess.
I started to blame God for every disaster in my Life. There was no one who would tell me: Girl, stop, He loves you. It is not that you are on some black list created by Him. (For the record: I do not believe there is some black list).
So I began to hate. I started to use every fall of the Church as a  reason for my leaving the Church.
But I never did it. Why? Let me explain you.

When I was in college, I studied literature and as a student of literature you have this big list of books for reading, including the Bible. Me as a lapsed catholic who publicly rejected doctrine of the Church, took it with  chill. No feelings, no thoughts, it was just duty. But something in my mind was there and used to tell me I should take it more serious. I was curious about some passages so I began to study Bible more often. More than ever before.
I saw myself playing with thought about returning to praying rosary. Suddenly my anxiety, which was present in my being so many years led me to something I thought I will never do again. To praying.

I often asked myself through these times how is it possible that liberal, lapsed believer, like me, found herself in place of someone absolutely opposite. This process was not so simple like it seems to be.

It took many years to become me right now. It caused pain, it was caused by downfalls.
You surely know that God is a wise Man. He can use your faults and failings to create Masterpiece.

From previous girl who stood against Church doctrine became woman who stand beside her.

As my favorite passage beyond Gospels in New Testamens are letters from Apostle Paul, who seemed to me be more similar to me than any other man in full Bible, I was , as many more around the world, aware of arrival the movie Paul, the Apostle of the Christ. I listened to interview with authors, catholics behind this great movie, Andrew Hyatt and T.J. Berden, who practically said what is known by everyone: It does not matter how far you go from the Church, you can always become Paul of your times. And this was that reason I decided to look closer to my own case and think about my own experiences. Now I take you finaly closer too.

I wondered why I stayed in the church which comes through so much scandals and decreases. Someone could tell I am crazy. But I decide to explain why me, and you should too, stay catholic and will never leave this church. Book from Peter Kreeft, Forty reasons I am catholic helped me really much.

I used every reason I had for leaving in the past to stay inside:

1.Scandals of priests. 

What happened inside the church around priests is more than scandal. It is tragedy. For someone it is reason for leaving, for me it is reason for staying. Because it is not just them, of whom is Church formed. It is every other person beside them. If one part of the element failed, it is up to other parts to save it and continue in refining. If I would leave, one part of Body of the Christ would be taken. Be aware of the fact, that you are the part of process. You are the part of The body of Jesus. Even when one human fails, it does not matter. There are many more human beings who can change it whole .

2. Strict doctrine

Many people tells nowadays that doctrine of Catholic church is too hard. I used to think it too until I realized that maybe it can be somehow strict, but understand that if Teacher is too soft, how can you become better person, better student, reach better goals in your life? Even when you are under strict rules, it is not to punish you or taking your freedom. No. It is because you were created for so much more and higher aims.
It is always better to go through lesson of life with stricter rules and accomplish your journey at the best which is Kingdom of God. That rules are there to free you from your fragility. The biggest success is life without sin but even saints were people like all of us and made some mistakes so be true, it is not so simple. True Freedom is in Christ alone. And that is what church watch.

3.Catholic church refuses women in priesthood

What can seem as a discrimination is simple following of God and His laws. If He appoined men for priesthood, I am not here to argue. There is just one authority , God alone. Catholics just follows this law.
And if you feel to use this as a discrimination or dispraise of women, I have for you this thought: there are many other spaces for realization , even in religious area. Every woman is important for functioning of the Church. Every human being has its own value. No one is beyond favor of God. So stop to keep your attention somewhere where is "inserted" someone else and start to look around yourself, you surely can be useful in every other place :).

4.Pro Life movement

Well, this is really current theme for discussions.
Once I used to think that be against abortion is being against the women rights. Oh how much I was wrong...
It is necessary to understand that there is nothing free and good in life with knowledge you destroyed life of other human. What is good about living with conscience that you , instead of empower yourself and testify to yourself that you are stronger than your fear and society around you, did something so horrible that you found yourself killing innocent life which can not protect itself?  And .
If you try to explain this and tell me that it is your body, go and repeat lesson from biology right now. It is clear that human life begins in the womb when sperm meets ovulum. Because that is when another body begin to develop.

5. Refusing of approval Homosexual relationships as a marriage

No this is not against human rights. It is just following of the Laws. Like you can not kill and steal, you can not commit adultery. With nobody. Just remember Sodom and Gomorrah. The Bible is not for adjust the times. We are designated to adjust the Bible.
Do not get me wrong, I love every person God created. I just do not think it is ok to break down His rules. Even I am sinner. My fear of Him, His judgement and confidence in His words is more than what society can give me . Ever. Period. 

6.Catholic Church goes not hand in hand with modern, liberal times

Thank God! If it would go, there would be much more disaster .

7. Refusing of free love and strict view on marriages

Again. Thank God. Marriage is powerful bond. It can save and change everything . It creates a family. There is power of society. If it would be simple to unbind it, it could cause collapse of families.


The most sacramental relationship ever. Relationship with Jesus. In Him I find truly freedom. Nowhere else.

9. Final. Catholic Church never changed its doctrine

Yes it is the best. If you are faithful in all those years, you are predicted to stay faithful forever.

I highly recommend to read book mentioned up above. Mr. Kreeft said many more reasons, and I think there is low possibility to opose them....

There is interview with Andrew Hyatt and T.J. Berden.

Monday, July 15, 2019

My child is different

This is something what can say a lot of mothers. Especially mother, whose child has some kind of syndrome. For example, Down' syndrome.

Children are extra – special „thing“ . Simple, „thing“, which is depend on us, adults. And they change in accordance to us. Their direction is directed by us. By our acts. No matter, what kind of act it is.

It is valid for every child. Health, not health, or child, which has some special Gift from God. Gift which can complicate a life of parents, a little bit, or more, but at the same time it can enrich their life. Like another one , extra chromosome, or some special way of realizing the love for parents. I refer to two types of children. Those with Down's syndrome and those with Autism.

Both of these types of children are special. It can be hard to create some relationship with them, it can be more complicated, but it is not beyond possibility. It is sad, that if children are in one of these „groups“, they are automatic labeled. Yet they are personalities.

It is said , that children with Down's syndrome are full of love, which they share with everyone around them. That is true. Their creation and expression of emotions is boundless and positive in the most of cases, what is amazing. I understand it can be harder to communicate with them, live with them. Because we need a lot of patience and boundless love within us.
Few years ago, I had a chance to meet boy with this syndrome in the church. When we all began to shake our hands (offering the sign of peace), he did not shake hand of girl next to him, he embraced her. This girl was amazed, but after first moment she put big smile on her face and I smiled too. It was breathtaking how someone can express simple love so intensive. But not everyone was so understanding. Some people just stared, some people had denouncing look at their faces...He just did not deserve it.

On the other side, children with autism are absolutely contrary. They can hardly create some emotions and their parents suffers because of it. They love their children as much as every other parent but these children don't sense it. Or more precisely, they don't know how to receive these emotions, these feeling, they are not able to feel something like that. But if parents remain in their effort, there is possibility to create permanent feelings and this is big success and this love is the most powerful!

I am sorry, that these children are labeled by society and they are not always granted to be accepted. We are all different. Even when they are a little bit different, I think they should not be considered as outsiders. We have no right to decide, if they have right to be born because of their diagnose. They are not submen.

Every child needs protection, love and patience. They needs to feel they are loved and accepted. No matter, if these children are able to create feelings simple, or not. Maybe just this one difference is something, what makes them special. It can be always something, what we can not see in ourselves. What about start to discover this „something“ in us with them and instead of refusing them, let's help them to integrate and show them, they are useful for us all, for our society? 

Their love is in the end one of the strongest love ever. 

Do not forget, at the end of the day, they can teach you more than you can teach them, after all.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

It's up on you

Months ago I decided to run my own blog with my thoughts which I was not sure I could put on another blog or web medium I was working for. It was decision to present what I was afraid to present or wasn't allowed to publicise , it was like bring things which occupied my mind to people. I wanted to display things and people who left truly message and mark on my life and my formation through last years.

You know, few years ago I went through realy hard times. I lost job, I lost long – time boyfriend, I lost everythng I depended on. I lost my faith in myself and I was pushed to start my life over. And this was that time when I was looking around for someone who would tell me how it could be, how it could look a like. is not always simple.

Everyone has own life and way of living it. I understand that we all needs someone as a example. That is why I decided, nowadays, when is so much frustration around me, to put on my first – ever tryout of interview, or just simple conversation with someone abroad , someone across the ocean. It was with brilliant Vanessa Evigan. I have saved our email conversation and everything I was asking her and every answer from her until now and it truly helps me to look back at it and remind myself how great is life and how great are we all .

So I am here to share our Q&A from April , 2016. I hope it will help and put everyone of you back on the track in your life. Because you deserves the best.

It's funny how I started my own view on giving questions and most important for you in my opinion: THE LAST MESSAGE Vanessa GAVE for all of YOU

At first I wanna thank you for your help and good – will J. I try to make up questions what are not so common. Some of my thoughts are in ironic – fun way to keep people in good mood, not just ordinary reading. So from beginning:
I know you from movies, blogs, TV – series. I am big fan of series with comedian / comic background and sitcoms so it was not so hard to notice you. So...

1.Are you TV – viewer? Or was it common in your childhood or young age to watch sitcoms? How did you feel when you saw yourself in this position? Position of somebody who entertain people? (In many ways, not just in television, I used it just like example). Do you think you have sense of humor in your private life? What can entertain you personaly?

I didn’t watch a lot of TV growing up. My parents didn’t let me have a television in my room until I was 18. I remember getting more into watching TV when I was a little bit older. I always get uncomfortable when I have to watch myself on TV. I always feel like I “could have done better”. Lately the older I am getting the more I am confident in my work and am happy with my performance. I don’t have trouble entertaining myself at all! I would consider myself or a funny person more than a real serious person. I keep myself entertained by doing a lot of different things but mostly just keeping creative on a daily basis.

You seems to be really positive person to me. So..

2. What is your first thought you try to push in your head after waking up and getting up from your bed? Common in people mind is : Why have I wake up again and only thing what can help and change everything is coffee( like me, for example)

When I wake up in the morning I try to think of all the things I am grateful for. Like my family, my health, my friends, my relationship. I try to read something inspirational in the mornings or pray or doing meditation. We all have so much to be thankful for and sometimes it’s easy to forget that and be negative.

3.Were there some moments where you used to look above you and ( ironicaly) questionned: Why? Or „ Really?“And what did you do later with this moment? I ask because I know people who  goes meditate or just live that moment just because to show how they accept every test they gets and do you believe that in the end of every bad/hurting moment is act of strenghthening?

There are many moments where I ask myself “WHY”? Or why is the day going the way it is today. I try to again go back to gratitude when that happens. I have been through a lot of struggle in my life. Most people only see the good because I try to post positive messages for people to help uplift. I also try to be real with where I am in my life and on my journey. If i’m struggling I like to share that with people so if someone else is struggling they won’t feel alone.

4.What keeps you in good mood? 

 The things that keep me in a good mood are exercise, eating healthy, prayer, helping others, spending time with family and friends.

I see you are lover of nature and animals. So...

5.What place you visited, touched you the most? 

The place I visited that touched me most so far in my life was when I went to the Philippines last year. The village we spent most our days in was in La Jaja and it was magical. The children were the most incredible kids I have ever met and they melted my heart and I can’t wait to go back!

6.Is it hard to person who wants you to go with for some adventures,? Do you like adrenaline?

I love adventure and travel it does give me a rush!

7.What was your the biggest and precious experience in your life?

The most precious experience in my life so far was getting to spend my time helping the kids in the Philippines and then my travel to Thailand after that.

8.What animals do you like and have you some animal?

I love all animals. I would like to have a farm one day. I have 3 dogs in Nashville and our family dog in Los Angeles. There names are Dakota, Jesse, and Moose and in Los Angeles our dog is Marley.

 I think that every person in this world should be there for another people to help as much as he/ she can so I try to give other views to people on life and his funny sides, that every moment and experience has their funny side, or side what can make people stronger and more lighter and that nothing is so much bad or black. In the end of the day is another chance to wake up again. Same for kids, teenagers and  adults. I noticed your project LuvtheinnerU. I think too that with love everything seems to be easier and prettier. So..

9.Had you moment when you felt sad, unhappy, without love? Have you experience with no love to you personaly? I mean inside. Everyone has moments when they feel done. What did you do then? Did you met people who had complication to love not just others, but themselves alone? 

I started LuvtheinnerU because I want to help people find inner love for themselves. We are so often looking outward for love or putting it our appearance but that isn’t where the real love for yourself will ever come from, you have to find it from within. Learning that you are enough, that you are beautiful, learning to love the flaws about yourself. About 4 years ago, I had gone through a bad breakup that hurt me so bad I was desperate to not feel the pain anymore so I tried to turn it into a positive and work on myself and that is when I started LuvtheinnerU. I hope I can help people find that inner love for themselves.

10.How do you think they can change it? 

 I think the best way to learn to love yourself is first not to compare yourself to ANYONE. We are beautiful just as we are. I find the more I help others or do charity, it get’s me out of putting the focus on me and on to someone else. It takes time and practice. Doing positive affirmations is another way to really help change negative to positive.

Come to talk about another project you support. Boo2Bullying. I appreciate this. I think that bullying from teenagers to their clasmates or other kids is in increase, and for their growth and forming of their psychic is not good. So..

11.What do you find as the biggest influence on this kids or people who try to bully their friends or people who they do not like? How it can be stopped?

Boo2Bullying is a wonderful non profit that I support because I was bullied and it is a horrible thing that is happening everywhere to kids. It has to be stopped. Kids need to learn to love each other. We don’t all need to like each other but that does not mean that we have to be hurtful to anyone. We just choose not to be friends with certain people but come from a place of love always.

 In the end: What is the best therapy after long hard day for you? case of your jewelry...I think it is really nice art and I admire it. Where do you get ideas? 

I think what helps me the most at the end of a long day is writing in a journal or reading positive books. Sitting for a few moments and taking alone time to quiet my mind. I like to make gratitude lists as often as possible. I think doing meditation can help as well. Sometimes even sitting on the couch with my love and our dogs and watching some of our favorites shows is a great way for me to unwind and let go of the day. LOTS OF WATER or tea! And rest!

Have you some message in your mind right now for people? (if not, do not worry. It is thing of reflection right now, not question)

I hope anyone reading this that is struggling can understand you are not alone. Actors, models, musicians, any one you may “look up to” we all have hard times and bad days and feel depressed. Understand that things we all may post are not always a direct reflection of how we are doing in our lives. You are not alone if you are struggling, I struggle a lot with sadness or depression, I also have a lot of wonderful days where I am happy, most those days are a choice, I choose to be happy and do good things for others and myself. Most important love yourself, give yourself a hug, and know everything is going to be ok :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Keď už nádej dochádza...

V živote človeka sa vyskytnú situácie, kedy si už nevie doslova rady. Prídu chvíle, kedy klesáme na duchu, zúfame si.

 Ide o ťažké situácie, kedy si už myslíme, že niet pomoci a nádeje. Vedeli ste však, že pre tieto situácie existujú svätci?

Svätý Júda Tadeáš:

Svätý Júda Tadeáš bol apoštolom a príbuzným Pána Ježiša.
Socha Sv.Júdu Tadeáša v kostole v Bánovciach nad Bebravou
Napriek tomu, že o ňom veľa nevieme, zanechal nám po sebe aspoň nejaký záznam. Je ním (možno ) vlastnoručne napísaný List, ktorý je súčasťou kníh Svätého Písma. Priznajte sa, že ste netušili, o koho ide, keď te tento List čítali :). Veru ani ja nie...

Socha Sv.Júdu tadeáša v kostole Blumentál
V Novom Zákone sa objavuje len na jednom mieste: Evanjelium podľa Jána (14,22 - Posledná večera).
O jeho živote vieme aspoň čo - to. Po Nanebovstúpení Pána hlásal a šíril Evanjelium po Sýrii, Palestíne, Egypte a Mezopotámii. Domnienky sú, že mučenícku smrť podstúpil v Libanone, alebo Perzii.
Symbolom Svätého Júdu Tadeáša je Kyjak , alebo kopija(podstúpil nimi mučenícku smrť) a maličký obraz Pána Ježiša, keďže podľa Legendy práve Pánovou podobizňou uzdravil kráľa Abgara v Edesse.

Svätá Filoména 

Nazýva sa aj Dcérou Svetla.
Bola dcérou "vládcu malého štátu v Grécku"(Z výpovede sestry Marie Luisy di Gesú, ktorej táto "malá svätica" vyjavila podrobnosti o svojom živote v roku 1833). Jej rodičia boli bývalí pohania, ktorí sa veľmi dlhú dobu pokúšali o dieťatko, no nebolo im dopriate. Až po tom, čo prijali na radu lekára Publiusa kresťanstvo, sa im narodila vytúžená dcérka , ktorej dali meno Lumena(Svetlo).V 13 rokoch ju otec zasľúbil cisárovi Diokleciánovi za mneželku, čo Filoména odmietla.
Socha Svätej Filomény v kostole Blumentál, Bratislava
Napriek dlhému a hroznému týraniu a mučeniu nepodľahla. Nakoniec ju dal sťať, presne 10. augusta o 3.hodine popoludní, pravdepodobne v roku 302 po Kristovi. Jej symbolmi sú kotva, prípadne lano okolo krku, na ktorom bola priviazaná pri mučení.
Medzi jej najväčších (ak nie aj najväčší) ctiteľov patril farár z Arsu, svätý Ján Maria Vianney.

Svätá Rita 

Talianska rehoľníčka. Už ako mladé žieňa sa rozhodla úplne zasvätiť Bohu, ale nakoniec podľahla žiadosti rodičov a vydala sa. Manžel ju týral, no čím viac on zanedbával kresťanské povinnosti, o to viac sa ona do nich vkladala a plnila ich. Jej manžel sa nakonie stal obeťou vraždy , čo spôsobilo potrebu pomsty u jej synov, ktorí chceli vraha svojho otca zabiť. Sv. Rita sa modlila, aby jej synovia boli od tohto hrozného činu ustrážení. Obaja sa nakoniec stali obeťou epidémie. 
Po smrti oboch synov, aj manžela, nakoniec vstúpila k augustiniánkam v Cascii. Bola známa aj ako stigmatička, objavila sa jej rana na hlave ako mal aj náš Spasoteľ po tŕňovej korune. Do smrti ju skrývala,aby nevyvolala senzáciu.
Zomrela 22. mája 1457 ako 76 ročná a po 40 rokoch rehoľného života.
Evidencie o zázrakoch na jej príhovor sa začali vynárať hneď po jej smrti. Jedným z prvých prípadov, kedy došlo k uzdraveniu na jej príhovor, sa udial tesne po jej smrti. Miestny stolár trpel deformáciou ruky, čo mu spôsobovalo, že nemohol ďalej vykonávať svoju profesiu. Modlil sa pri vystavenom tele Sv.Rity, aby sa mu ruka na jej príhovor uzdravila. Sľúbil, že ak sa tak udeje, vyrobí jej truhlu. Stalo sa. Odvtedy počet zázrakov , ktoré sa udiali na príhovor Sv.Rity len stúpol a tento nárast je prítomný až dodnes.

Svätý Expedit

Veľmi veľa sa o ňom nehovorí a veru ani nevie, ale známe je, že bol vojakom , veliteľom légie.
Pravdepodobne sa narodil v Arménsku, teda v krajine, ktorá bola prvou, ktorá prijala kresťanskú vieru (aj zásluhou Sv.Júdu Tadeáša). Známe je, že keď mal on a jeho légia vzdať obetu rímskym bohom pred bitkou,čo nastolil cisár Marcus Aurelius, odmietol to on aj jeho vojaci a modlili sa k Bohu,  a práve v tej chvíli sa rozpútala búrka, hromy, blesky, preto jeho vojsko nazvali Hromová légia. Nepriateľ bol razom premožený. Cisár Dioklecián, nástupca Marca Aurelia už toľko pochopenia nemal a začal proti kresťanom zbojiť. Rozkázal zničiť všetky kresťanské chrámy. Expedit jeden takýto rozkaz strhol z múru a roztrhal, za čo utrpel mučenícku smrť. Spolu sním popravili aj iných 5 mučeníkov.
V deň, kedy sa rozhodol stať sa kresťanom sa mu diabol zjavil v podobe havrana a snažil sa ho prehovoriť, aby svoje rozhodnutie preložil na iný deň. On rozmliaždil jeho hlavu a povedal: "Stanem sa kresťanom ešte dnes"
Je patrónom moreplavcov, obchodníkov, študentov a skúšajúcich a okrem toho je pomocníkom v naliehavých situáciach , veciach, ktoré nestrpia odklad
Je symbolom vzoprenia sa satanskému pokúšaniu odkladať veci na ďalšie dni, čo v konečnom dôsledku veľa krát znamená na neurčito až nikdy. Bol to človek konajúci rozhodne a bez odkladania.
Nazýva sa aj svätcom jedenástej hodiny, čiže biblickej poslednej hodiny.

Svätý Ch/Šarbel

Libanonský svätec. Známy nespočetnými uzdraveniami a vyliečením mnohých neduhov každého, ktorý sa k nemu pomodlí , najmä pri jeho hrobe. (Inak jeho obraz možno vidieť aj v Kostole Navštívenia Panny Márie v Bratislave)
Narodil sa ako Youssef Antoun Makhlouf v LIbanone. Čoskoro sa stal maronitským mníchom . Známy bol svojou tichosťou, pokorou a životom v samote.
Zomrel 24. decembra 1898. Hovorí sa, že keď jeho telo prenášali, snehová fujavica, ktorá trápila ľudí, razom prestala. Pár mesiacov po jeho smrti bolo vidno nad jeho hrobom žiarivé svetlo a jeho telo ostalo neporušené. Zaujímavé je, že takto vydržalo dlhé roky až do roku 1965, kedy bol blahorčený. Za svätého bol vyhlásený v roku 1977, pápežom Pavlom VI.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Osvieti, či neosvieti? Ako Duch Svätý ovplyvňuje ľudskú tvorivosť?

Aj vám sa niekedy stáva, že sa vám v hlave vyrojí nápad, myšlienka, o ktorej si myslíte, že je priam ideálna na spracovanie, už už máte plán, ale nie a nie nájsť vhodné slová, či vhodnú následnosť? Aj vám sa občas nedarí usporiadať tieto myšlienky, či ich správne pomenovať? Uf. Mne sa to stáva. Najmä v časoch tvorivej krízy. Je to tak povediac stav, kedy by som aj mala o čom rozprávať, písať, ale neviem nájsť na to vhodné slovné prostriedky. Proste, myšlienka v hlave nie a nie ísť na "papier". Čo robiť vtedy?
Na toto sa nehľadá odpoveď príliš ťažko. Pre niekoho možno aj hej.
Nedávno som dočítala celkom zaujímavú knihu , od Joanny Batkiewicz - Brožekovej, ktorá krásne zosumarizovala Dielo o Pátrovi Dolindovi Ruotolovi. V nej sa okrem iného dozvedám, že Páter trpel , povedzme, niečím podobným, ako ja. Nie vždy vedel nájsť na všetko odpoveď. Napriek nízkej mienke, ktorú o sebe mal, však dokázal vyprodukovať kvantum kníh, textov a to všetko bez toho, aby mal k tomu najvyššie vzdelanie. Čo robil? Modlil sa k Panne Márii.
A nemusím ísť ani tak ďaleko do histórie, mám tu príklad aj celkom mladý. Jeremy Riddle - textár, pastor. Zachytila som s ním video, na ktorom vykladá o procese tvorby textov. Čo robil? Modlil sa.
Čo majú obaja spoločné? Modlitbu. Obaja pochopili, že bez Pomoci a "osvietenia" Duchom Svätým pri tvorbe nič nevytvoria.
Nie je neznámym výrok, ktorý používali najmä naše mamy a babky: Čo ťa osvietil Duch Svätý?
Taká milá "povedačka" a koľko pravdy v sebe má . Čím som staršia, tým viac vnímam prínos práve tohto Ducha pre tvorbu.
Ako dokáže Duch Svätý ovplyvniť proces tvorby? Odpoveď nám ponúka samotné Sväté Písmo.
Ježiš hovorí: Keď vás budú vodiť do synagóg, pred úrady a vrchnosti, nestarajte sa, ako a čím sa budete brániť alebo čo budete hovoriť, lebo Duch Svätý vás v tú hodinu poučí, čo treba hovoriť. (Lk 12, 11 - 12)

Čo nám hovorí tento výrok? Že napriek tomu, že nevieme vždy, čo máme hovoriť, v tomto našom prípade čo písať, respektíve ako písať, stále tu je Duch Svätý, ktorý nám to napovie.
Ako inak si môžeme ďalej vysvetliť Skutky Apoštolov, kde sa píše:

 Ukázali sa im akoby ohnivé jazyky rozdelené tak, že na každom z nich spočinul jeden. Všetkých naplnil Duch Svätý a začali hovoriť inými jazykmi, ako im Duch dával hovoriť.(Sk 2, 3 - 4)

Môžeme vidieť, že Duch Svätý vážne vie pomôcť pri tvorbe a vhodnom vyjadrovaní sa. Ako to funguje? Tu pomôže najmä viera. A, ako dokazujú vyššie spomenutí 2 páni, modlitba.
Niekedy stačí jednoduché utíšenie sa, chvíľka osamote a načúvanie. Pravdou totiž je, že On hovorí k nám neustále, len otázkou je: Počúvame?

Veľa zdaru pri ďalšej tvorbe :)

 Plus, prikladám aj video s Jeremy Riddle o tom, ako sa mu píšu texty :)

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Manuál pre život

Mnoho návodov, mnohon pozorovaní, mnoho názorov. Ktoré sú najlepšie? Tie, ktoré sedia priamo na teba.

Manuál pre život si dokáže vytvoriť každý sám. Občas však potrebujeme nakopnúť a to som veľakrát potrebovala aj ja. Nájsť svoju cestu . A k tomu mi dopomohli mnohí iní, ktorí sa tiež hľadali a práve vďaka nim a ich zisteniam som začala pozorovať a "študovať" seba samu aj ja. Výsledok? Dostala som sa k vlastnému návodu, ako mám svoj život žiť.
Rozhodla som sa, že ho posuniem ďalej. Možno je tu niekde niekto, kto potrebuje presne takýto "kopanec". Veľa šťastia!

1.Mnohí ľudia okolo teba budú chcieť, aby si bol perfektný. Aby si žil život, ktorý oni žijú. Nepovedia ti, že ho môžeš žiť inak. Kvôli vlastnému strachu z niečoho nového ťa budú držať v strese a depresii. Zastav to a v kľude si povedz: Nemusím žiť to, čo chcú, aby som žil. Mám  nárok zmeniť pohľad, názor kedykoľvek a akokoľvek chcem.

2.Nie si ani nič viac, ani nič menej, než druhí. Buď k sebe pravdivý. Máš predsa vlastnú hodnotu!

3.S láskavosťou, milosťou a úsmevom to dotiahneš ďalej, než s hnevom.

4.Prestaň sa obviňovať za všetko nesprávne, čo urobíš.. Si človek. Nie robot!

5.Ak niečo chceš urobiť, proste to urob. „Neskôr“ by nemalo byť v tvojom každodennom slovníku.

6.Nauč sa komunikovať. Ak ti je niekoho ľúto, nazýva sa to humánnosť. Nauč sa názory a myšlienky, či postoje vyjadrovať bez toho, aby si niekoho ranil. Bude sa ti žiť ľahšie.

7.Nazeraj na seba reálne. Nie pohľadom niekoho iného. Ostatní ťa vidia inak, ako ty. Na ich názory vzhliadaj s úctou a rešpektom, ale svoj pohľad na seba maj na prvom mieste.

8.Nie každý má rovnaký názor, ako ty. To však neznamená, že ten tvoj je správny a jeho nesprávny. Jednoducho sme každý iný a máme rôzne pohľady na život. Hovorím to preto, lebo mnohí ľudia sa cítia dotknutí, ak ich niekto skritizuje. Vtedy ide ich zmýšľanie nadol. Nerobte to, prosím!

9.Neexistuje pravidlo, podľa ktorého musíš mať ospravedlnenie a opodstatnenie pre všetko, čo robíš.

10. Keď sežereš celú čokoládu v dome, neobviňuj sa. Mali byť chronty doma, nie sa flákať :)

A posledné, ktoré, si myslím, má najväčšiu váhu a dotýka sa všetkých predchádzajúcich: 

„Urobte všetko, čo vám povie“ (Jn 2, 5)

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Not Easter worshipper/Just few words

Attacks in Sri Lanka from 2 days ago left wounds which can not be healed so soon.....People who were killed and pain their killers left is incurable for a very long time. If not forever. 
Families who lost their children, parents, entire family will gather strenght really long .
Reactions to these attacks were immediate and we can feel pain in some words and this pain is common for us all, catholics and non - catholics along.
But some reactions, and I want speak about two which touched me and somehow shook me are from Mr.Obama and Mrs.Clinton. I understand their effort to pay a compassion to people who died but what they called them is unacceptable.
So dear Mr.Obama and Mrs. Clinton. I appreciate your remorse over victims but what you called them is in my opinion dishonour of them. They were persecuted because of their faith. They were killed because they never left the Truth. They , unlike you, were not afraid of showing honour to Christ in public, never betrayed Him. Even in country which is not christian. They deserves respect, not ironic comments.
They and we are not Easter worshippers. Please understand that Christian is not curse, nor abuse word. I get that today is society trying to be liberal, tolerant, but if you can name victims of attacks on Muslim and Jewish, or Hindu people by their true name, please do it with us too.
We are not ashamed of our faith. We are not worshippers. We are people of The Truth. There is no name for this Truth than Jesus Christ. We are not Easter worshippers. We are followers of Truth named Jesus Christ.
Our faith is not about worship (just, even too), our faith is about Life. No matter how hard you try , you will never destroy the fact that Truth has its own name and you can do and will do whatever you want , this Truth will always be named and will always be true. Christian is our common name and please, respect it.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Prayer of the soul

Just few people knows all saints or people on the way to sainthood. One of the people, who got on this way for his works and sacrifice is Padre Dolindo Ruotolo, italian priest, whose name was well known in 20th century in Italy and who was according Padre Pio from Pietrelcina saint priest. 

Padre Dolindo wrote many books, helped many people, bestowed his everything to the poor, gave unforgettably speaches and homilies and was for the majority of his life banned from serving the Mass. He was later known for not just his work , but now, when he is in process of beatification, we knows about his conversations with Jesus and Mother Mary .

Besides all these things Dolindo wrote , inspired by Holy Ghost, one really emotional prayer, called Jesus to the soul.... and according to one of his spiritual children, Mr.Umberto Cervo this prayer was always sung by Padre Dolindo before Nativity in the church.

Padre Dolindo was well known for his absolutely submission to Jesus and beside Novene of Submission, we have this prayer, which knows just few people and officialy is known maybe just in Italy.

This prayer was written in Napoli, on the 7th of January in 1958. I want to share it with you.In time of anxiety and fear, just close your eyes and pray. Here:

Jesus to the soul:

Close your burnt out eyes full of tears, close them on my love and asleep on my heart.

When you look around yourself , you wander, you suffer...Do not lose yourself in your pain, just fell asleep on my heart.

If you listen to what persuade you your weak nature and temptations, you do not rest on me. 

Close your ears, listen just to my voice of love, which search for satisfaction in your love and let yourself rest in my heart

If you have no convenient cradle, you have not strown your bed, how can you sleep? The ground is hard and it wound you a lot. Save your soul comfortably into my mercy,asleep yourself on  my heart and believe just me. 

If light is artificial, how can you close your  eyelids  tired because of pain?

Put out the light of your thoughts, put out the lamps of your criterias, which shed shadows of fear on you. Look at everything through sweet darkness of faith and that little calm clematis rock you to sleep on my heart.

If you cry, how can you fell asleep? Cover yourself with my warm will...Cuddle yourself in me and sleep on my heart.

Do you want to sing a lullaby to me? If you scream and you have no patience in suffering, how can I fell asleep?...I leap everytime I hear your appeal and crying and my heart blast from the pain.

Do you want to sing a lullaby to me, the sacrifice of my love? Close the windows, through which your unrest and confusion cross like whirling wind and I put myself for rest in your 

heartˈs quiet submission to God.

Do you want to sing a lullaby to me, my fiancée? Every mistake you do tear veil of peace from yourself and cover you with armour which haunts me. And thatˈs when I can ˈt sleep.  

Smooth me with your goodness without grieve, rejoice me with your sanctification of your body  and you will fetch out bruks pikes , which are hurting me and scrape me, from my cradle. Look at me  inside your suffering with love full of peace , look like I would look at you and still look from my hard cradles. Let me asleep inside of you. 

Sing to me a lullaby from love and I will fell asleep , quiet, in your heart...


source: Joanna Batkiewicz - Brožek: Jezu, Ty się tym zajmij”

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Unplanned – neplánované bloknutý

Je tomu pár dní, čo do kín po celej USA prišiel film s dosť citlivou tematikou, ktorá spoločnosť skôr rozdeľuje, ako spája. Volá sa Unplanned. Ešte ani neuzrel svetlo sveta a už naštartoval ostré diskusie, Pro – Life a Pro – Choice sa dostali znovu do stretu. Ani ten Zákon umožňujúci potraty v 8. mesiaci, schválený v januári v New Yorku, neostal nepovšimnutí a prilial len olej do ohňa, ako sa vraví...

Najzaujímavejšie je, že sa k tomuto pre mnohých nešťastnému zákonu, začali ozývať aj ľudia, ktorí sa dovtedy príliš na tému potratov nevyjadrovali.
Film Unplanned teda prišiel práve v tú citlivú dobu a dosť pochybujem, že to tvorcovia plánovali, keďže samotný námet a film bol spracovaný niekoľko mesiacov predtým a produkcia dátum uvedenia oznámila oveľa skôr...

Film je dielom niekdajšej pracovníčky Planned Parenthood , Abby Johnson. Abby sa jednoducho rozhodla svoje skúsenosti pri sprostredkúvaní potratov preniesť na filmové plátno.

Nie je šokujúce ani tak to, že sa taký film dostal na filmové plátna, veď dnes vraj panuje vo svete sloboda slova, prejavu, názoru. Je tomu však tak?

Pár týždňov pred uvedením dostal film R. Teda písmeno, ktoré značí, že film obsahuje scény násilné, nevhodné pre deti do 17 rokov a tak napriek tomu, že sa vo filme objavia prípady, kedy k potratu pristúpili dievčatá aj v tejto vekovej skupine, bez prítomnosti rodiča, akosi ich rovesníčky už nemajú umožnené, aby si to celé pozreli bez rodičov. Necítiť tu trošku pokrytectvo? Že s niečím nesúhlasím neznamená, že mám právo zasahovať a zakazovať druhým, aby súhlasili. A aby sa prejavili.

Zahanbiť sa nedali ani sociálne siete. Pár dní po uvedení na filmové plátna dostala Oficiálna stránka filmu na Twitteri stopku. Až po nátlaku verejnosti túto stopku zrušili a  účet odvtedy dosiahol väčší počet sledovateľov, ako má samotné Planned Parenthood.

Ja sa len pýtam: Kde je tá sloboda slova, ktorú tak ostro všetci prezentujú? Nepodkopala si spoločnosť MPAA, rozhodujúca o vhodnosti filmov pre mládež vlastné nohy, keď jediným písmenom uznala, že samotné akty zobrazujúce vo filme sú nevhodné pre maloletých a že obsahujú násilie? Nepotvrdila tým vlastne , že samotná realita je nevhodná a násilná?

A tak je dnes napriek úsiliu samého Planned Parenthood, ktorý v minulosti s Abby Johnson viedol súdne spory, spolkov, ktoré sa hlásia k slobode prejavu a uznaniu tohto práva aj iným, majú v rukách moc, prostriedky, film dosahuje v USA úspechy. V rebríčku návštevnosti dosiahol zatiaľ 4. miesto a to napriek tomu, že ho možno vidieť až po dosiahnutí dospelosti.

Ja len, že každá minca má dve strany. Keď dovoľujeme prejaviť sa jednej, nemali by sme dať šancu na prezentovanie a slovo aj tej druhej?

A keď už tak bojujeme za práva žien a ich realizáciu, prečo im podkopávame nohy a snažíme sa rozkazovať im, čo smú a čo nesmú vidieť, nehľadiac na vekovú skupinu? Nie je to mierne totalitárne?

Ani Panna Mária nemá hranice

  A to myslím doslova. Keď sa zjavila v ďalekej Rwande, predpokladám, že mnohým prebehla v hlave myšlienka, prečo práve tu? A ako to, že s...